Trợ giúp về Tìm kiếm các khóa học

Intensive English, French, Management Science

General introduction to astrophysics on one side and Earth observation on the other one: 

•Astrophysics: Objects of astrophysics (stars, galaxies, Universe). Observations (coordinates, distance measurements, photometry, spectroscopy) 

•Earth observation: gives information about planet Earth's physical, chemical and biological systems. It is used to monitor and assess the status of, and changes in, the natural environment and the built environment

Lecturers: Phạm Thị Tuyết Nhung, VNSC

Lecturer: Assoc.Prof. Phạm Anh Tuấn, VNSC

Diffraction theory, Signal processing basics. Optical transfer function and point spread function of an optical system, image formation theory of an extended source. Image sampling and sensor scaling. Static and dynamic aberrations, image formation in presence of aberrations, wavefront correction techniques. Long baseline optical interferometry and aperture synthesis. Optical systems and telescopes. Image array sensors.


- Gerard Rousset, UPD

- Guillaume Patanchon, UPD

- Damien Gratadour, OBSPM

Basics - Fourier Transform, sampling, image analysis, filtering, introduction to estimation (mean value, standard deviation, chi2), impulse response, transfer function, convolution, random signals, correlation, power spectrum density, noise reduction.


- Prof. Gérard Rousset - UPD

- Prof. Guillaume Patanchon - UPD

- Prof. Damien Gratadour - OBSPM

UNIX environment, standard commands, shell. Programming: interpreted vs compiled languages. Basics of programming in Python: loops, conditions, pointers and arrays, functions, input/output. Algorithms.


- Cyrille Rosset - UPD