
Drinking Water Production & Waste Water Treatment Routes






Drinking water production route, domestic waste water treatment route, visits of plants


The objective is to give an introductive overview of the different possible treatment routes for a) producing drinking water and for b) treating domestic waste waters. Different possible routes will be introduced that allow to treat different resources from the resource to the network (drinking water production) or to the environment (waste water treatment). The role and limitation of the different unit operations in the treatment route will be pointed out. Some visits of plants in Vietnam will be performed in order to visualize what is a real plant in Vietnam.


Pr Christophe DAGOT, Univ. Limoges, GRESE, dagot@ensil.unilim.fr

Ass. Prof. Dr NGUYEN Thi Hue, IET, nthue2003@gmail.com or nguyen-thi.hue@usth.edu.vn


Drinking water treatment routes (G. Feuillade, or X?)

Waste water treatment routes and visits (C Dagot and J Laurent)


Pr Christophe DAGOT, Univ. Limoges, GRESE, dagot@ensil.unilim.fr

Ass Pr Julien LAURENT, ENGEES, Strasbourg, julien.laurent@engees.unistra.fr

Pr Genevieve FEUILLADE, Univ. Limoges, GRES, feuillade@ensil.unilim.fr

Ass. Pr. Dr NGUYEN Thi Hue, IET


Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Metcalf & Eddy, I., Stensel, H.D., 2004. Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse. McGraw-Hill.

Henze, M., 2008. Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design. IWA Publishing.

Numbers of teached hours

Drinking water (G. Feuillade) :

A general introduction to the fields of production of drinking water in terms of quality of resources that could be distributed in the following way: 4h / E TD 2h / 4h tour of facilities / 4h TP / 6h mini project / presentation 2h projects and knowledge assessment

wastewater: 26h

wastewater treatment? (6h ) : Paul BOIS or Christophe Dagot

-Wastewater in Vietnam

-Impact of wastewater on natural environment (macro-and micropollutants)

-Energy recovery

-Nutrients recovery (cf. W46)

Visit  (4h) : Julien LAURENT or Paul BOIS or Christophe DAGOT

Wastewater treatment plant:

-How to treat various forms of pollution?; (4h) : Paul BOIS

-Pretreatment (1h) : Julien LAURENT

-Biological treatment (cf. W18) (2h) : Julien LAURENT or Christophe Dagot

-Tertiary treatment (3h) : Julien LAURENT

-Sludge treatment, methanisation (3h) : Paul BOIS

-Plant with positive energy (3h) : Paul BOIS


Exam 2 h

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