
Ecotoxicology and Bioindicators






Contaminants, Pollutants, Ecotoxicity, Risk assessment, bioindicators


The objective of the module is to provide the general bases of ecotoxicology, to review the main categories of major pollutants, their behaviour in the environment and their effects at different levels of biological organisation (from the molecular to the organism levels). The consequences on population dynamics and on the ecosystem functioning will also be considered.

The second objective of the module is to describe the use of organisms as sentinels and bioindicators of contamination and the use of biomarkers in biomonitoring programs in the frame of different internationaldirectives to regulate and monitor chemicals and pollution in aquatic ecosystems.


M1 in Environmental Sciences


Paco Bustamante, Prof, Université de La Rochelle (ULR)


1- General basis in Ecotoxicology

2- Behaviour and fate of pollutants in the environment

3- Transfer of pollutants in biota: Concentration factors, Transfer factors, bioavailability, biomagnifications

4- Effects of pollutants at different levels of biological organization: individual, population, communities and ecosystem functioning: European's regulation for chemical management (REACh) and water quality monitoring (WFD): 3h course. Lecturer: Y. Levi or J. Cachot

5- Environmental risk assessment of chemicals and biomonitoring: bioindicators, biomarkers

6- international regulations: REACH


Dr Mai Huong (USTH)

Paco Bustamante, Prof., Université de La Rochelle, Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés pbustama@univ-lr.fr

Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, PhD, Université de La Rochelle, Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés tlacouel@univ-lr.fr


One written examination

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