Zoom classes information
To join in a Zoom class, please follow the stages:
- Stage 1: Create a Zoom account using your USTH email;
- Stage 2: Open the calendar, find Zoom information in description box of each event
- Stage 3: Look up the account and the corresponding ID and passcode in the table below:
Zoom on Timetable | Meeting ID | Passcode | Link |
My Meeting 501.1 | 910 9812 9790 | B1@2021 | https://zoom.us/j/91098129790?pwd=MmM5RFBGU3JqRDh4TEtMMkZJM1d2QT09 |
My Meeting 501.2 | 925 9242 9310 | B1@2021 | https://zoom.us/j/92592429310?pwd=NlFndk9yV3lpaEhLUkxGWjZtemFSUT09 |
My Meeting 1.2 | 885 7191 4490 | B1@2021 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88571914490?pwd=N3AzcDY3elI2SzhldTZYSDNBeTkrUT09 |
My Meeting 1.1 | 842 4305 4226 | B1@2021 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84243054226?pwd=SUtTK2pIZlFncFlpaVRJYjRWOUNsQT09 |
My meeting 2.1 | 869 1899 3450 | B1@2021 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86918993450?pwd=L3lsL3lrSkt5MENKODNDTkZUSVdYdz09 |
My meeting 2.2 | 849 2883 4666 | B1@2021 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84928834666?pwd=czNkNnVVU1l5MDdtUTEvbUZoMzZxUT09 |
- Stage 4: Sign in Zoom using the account in stage 1 and then Join the Zoom class with the ID and passcode found in stage 3,
Note: Most of the regular Zoom classes will be enable for only authenticated users with the domain @usth.edu.vn Therefore, all students must create an account and join in via USTH email