Some tips Around Chapter 1 Lecture and Exercices
Dear Students,
#The first lecture (14th of September) was I guess difficult for you.
Hopefully, on 21th and 28th, we'll be working around tutorials.
# It is mandatory that you read carefully Notes of Chapter 1.
Therein, you will find a number of examples, that you must read and understand. If you do the job correctly, then looking for the exercices will be easier.
# The set of exercices is located at the end of the Notes of Chapter 1. I have given some hints to solve them. Certainly, we will not have time to do all of them during our next courses, but have a look at them and ask if you did not understand them
# Solving exercices in probability, at least for Chapter 1, requires a certain number of steps.
But in any case, you should remember that solving means that you can explain the result to a dummy, write the solution carefully and deduce an algorithm.
Step 1: be sure that you have understand what is the basic random experiment.
Step 2: identify what is a elementary event.
Step 3: deduce the definition of the state space; be careful, we are not looking for its number. Firstly we look for its definition and then for its number of elements (if finite set).
Step 4: identify in which case we are: discrete or continuous.
Step 5: if we are in the finite case, then start to count!
Dear Students
As the initial Chapter 1 was a little bit difficult, I have removed some theoretical materials. I hope now this is much more simple.