Topic outline

  • General

    ICT 2024-205

    Group Registration: (4-6 students/group)

    Attendance: Here 

    Google Classroom: Here

    1. Instructions for Retake 

    - Retake is a writing exam. 

    - Students are allowed to bring a calculator and official slides from Moodle. 

    - Other documents and communication devices are not permitted. 

    Sample: Retake subject Here

    2. Instructions for labwork:


    - Attendance will be checked for every labwork. 

    - Students should remind the lecturers to check attendance if they forget it. 

    After a labwork session, you have 7 days to complete the exercises 

    • Write a report of at least 2 pages to describe your work (figure and table), discussion, and analysis of lab work.  
    • Submit in PDF format to Google Classroom (link above)
    • Source code is optional in the report.

    Labwork Submission

    • You can work in a pair to complete all the assignments. 
    • If you work in a pair, one of the two submits the report once. DO NOT DUPLICATE THE REPORT
    • Remember to provide YOUR student ID and full name in the report.



    Group: 4-6 members/group

    Presentation + Report Submission: 

    • Deadline: TBD
    • Link: Classroom (link above)

    Guidelines for report/presentation:

    • Introduction/Motivation/Contribution: Specify clearly the content of the project;
    • Project process: describe in detail how to build the system/models in the project;
    • Data analysis: study the collected data, and perform statistical analysis on the data;
    • Experiments: show the experimental protocols, calculate the complexity or running time
    • Evaluation and discussion: calculate the quality criteria, compare the obtained results from different models, and propose respectives

    Report: Minimum 6 pages

    Presentation: 10' for presentation, 5' for QA (15'/group and all members must be present) 


    - Stduents who are absent get 0 for the presentation;

    - To keep silent during the presentation, show up at the classroom before the scheduled 10-15' early

    - Orders are randomly generated by

  • C1 - Introduction to Data Mining

  • Project

    A Data Mining project comprises a report of maximum 6 pages and a presentation of 10 mins in front of class.. A team chooses a topic and there will be two sessions of 4 hours that the team members will working together with the lecturer to carry out the research on the subject. You are expected to:

    - Find and read articles to research interesting topics related to the project

    - Use any available tool to finish the project objectives

    - Demo is optional, Matlab, R, Scilab, Python, or any scientific tools are recommended.

    The topics include as in the attachment file.

    Updated on 22.2.2023: 

    References for Recommendation System:

    (Recommended reference)