Topic outline

  • General

  • WORLD (CS, DS, MST, MATH, ICT Redo) Final 08.01.2024

    Submission in Google Classroom:

    FOR WORLD: Link

    1. Students are allowed to bring their OWN code from labworks
    2. Official slides from the moodle are allowed; other documents are not. 
    3. Penalty is applied if any exam rule is violated: using Internet, copying, communicating with other students, etc. 

    • This topic

      Final Exam Guideline

      Hướng dẫn trông thi

      Algorithms and Data structures

      Đề nghị cán bộ coi thi phổ biến cho sinh viên trước khi bắt đầu làm bài:

      1.    Sinh viên được phép dùng tài liệu chính thức (download từ Moodle) và code của các labwork.

      2.    Trong quá trình làm bài thi, sinh viên không được phép sử dụng Internet hay bất kỳ phương thức liên lạc nào. Trước khi bắt đầu thi sinh viên phải tắt chế độ wifi nếu vi phạm sẽ bị lập biên bản và đình chỉ thi.

      3.    Sinh viên chỉ được dùng Internet để nộp bài trên Google Class room (đối với sinh viên thi lại, vào Moodle để lấy invitation link)

      4.    Sinh viên thực hiện các quy định nộp bài. Khi nộp bài sinh viên cần phải kiểm tra lại:

      -         Thông tin cá nhân: Họ và tên, mã sinh viên

      -         Chỉ nộp các file c và cpp. Các submission có file khác sẽ nhận điểm 0.

      5.    Sinh viên sẽ nộp tất cả source codes thành một file duy nhất (zip hay rar) vào thư mục “Retake” trên Google classroom.

      Chú ý: Sinh viên nào sử dụng máy tính cá nhân phải tự chuẩn bị ổ cắm điện và wifi.


      • General information

        For 2024 - 2025

        Assessment: Attendance (10%), Midterm (40%), Final Exam (50%)


        FOR WORLD (CS, DS, MST, MATH): LINK FOR ATTENDANCE (starting from 8.11...)

        FOR ICT: LINK FOR ATTENDANCE (ICT class already completed)

        • Lecturer must check attendance every labwork.
        • Students need to ask for their attendance check if lecturers forget it.

        Google Classroom:

        FOR WORLD (CS, DS, MST, MATH): Invitation 
        FOR ICT: Invitation 


        • Live coding - 45' organized in a labwork 5
        • No document is allowed during the mid-term exam. 
        • Students have 15' min for preparation. You are required to sign for your presence. 


        • Students must be present on time. 
        • Switching groups is not permitted unless you make a request before 30.9.
        • The subject will be available in this section. 
        • Students will have 10 minutes to submit their source code in Google Classroom. Students must zip their files according to the rule StudentName_StudentID. 
        • Students must remove unnecessary files. Only source files .c or .cpp are legible. 
        • Copying from any source leads to a heavy penalty (negative mark). 

        Final Exam/Retake:

        • If Students miss 2 labworks (without reasonable reasons), they are NOT allowed to participate in the Final Exam, and they must REDO the course.
        • Final Exam/Retake is live coding
        1. Students are allowed to bring their OWN code from labworks
        2. Official slides from the moodle are allowed; other documents are not. 
        3. Penalty is applied if any exam rule is violated: using Internet, copying, communicating with other students, etc. 

        • Labwork Guidelines

          There are 6 Labworks in this course. Students must do their work during the labwork, and seek support and help from lecturers. Correction WON'T BE PROVIDED to students at any case. 

          After each labwork session:

          - Compress all code source files in a zip file and rename it as FULLNAME-ID-Lab\ (e.g Save your files according to the exercise number i.e Ex1.cpp, Ex2.c, etc. Incorrect filenames will result in no score for the respective exercises.

          - Only code source files (.c or .cpp) should be in the zip files. Other files (.exe, .o) MUST be removed from the zip file.

          Students are not required to submit labworks, but you can submit it according to the rules. We will double-check your submission and see whether you do it correctly. This rule is applied when you submit the code in exams, so be careful.

          • Midterm 1.10.2024 (For ICT)

            Google Classroom: Link

            • Students must be present on time. 
            • Switching groups is not permitted unless you make a request before 30.9.
            • The subject will be available in this section. 
            • Students will have 10 minutes to submit their source code in Google Classroom. Students must zip their files according to the rule StudentName_StudentID. 
            • Students must remove unnecessary files. Only source files .c or .cpp are legible. 
            • Copying from any source leads to a heavy penalty (negative mark). 

          • C6 - Searching and Sorting Algorithms

          • C7 - Trees and Graphs